There are annual Christmas and Europe issues, and sets depicting local scenery, flora, and fauna, as well as heritage and the works of local artists.
Framed pieces depicting cityscapes, country scenes, flora and fauna, symbols, samplers and computer designs are valued from at $150 to $500.
These coins depicted a combination of food produce and local flora and fauna.
It depicted temple, marketplace, architecture, flora and fauna, dress, jewelry and fashion, as well as mode of transportation such as palanquin, horse carriage and ship.
Many of Young's painted wares feature accurately depicted flora and fauna as well as the taxonomic names of the illustrated species.
All Seuffert's work was intricately inlaid and most included designs with New Zealand imagery including very accurately depicted native flora and fauna.
His paintings depicting the imaginary fauna and flora of Saturn relate to the Rosicrucian ideology.
Surrounding this is an annular set of designs depicting flora and fauna of Antarctica and the Sub-Antarctic Islands".
These also became the first coins in the country to depict flora and fauna rather than simple, classic designs.
The windows are a particularly fine set of Victorian and Edwardian stained glass, many depicting New Zealand fauna and flora.