From these assumptions and the Friedmann equations it follows that the scale factor must depend on time coordinate linearly.
The computational time only depends linearly on the number of operations performed.
The inverse of the von Bertalanffy growth rate appears to depend linearly on the ultimate length, when different food levels are compared.
These three classes depend linearly on previous data points.
Take the vector field, which depends on x and y linearly:
One should keep in mind, though, that the folding rate of proteins does not depend linearly on viscosity for all regimes.
In addition, the β term depends linearly with barrier width, 2a.
This integral is a real number which linearly and continuously depends on φ.
Again, this integral continuously and linearly depends on φ, so that T is in fact a distribution.
The autoregressive model specifies that the output variable depends linearly on its own previous values.