Their departure reduced the Giants' roster to 56 healthy and injured-reserve players.
This departure of so many men combined with the casualties from Huesca reduced the Legion's strength to that of a single battalion.
Too many details kept interrupting her thoughts, but Yar's departure would reduce the interference considerably.
But political analysts said the general's departure would almost certainly reduce the military's political and social influence in this country of 14 million people.
Their departures did not reduce state salaries; but with some exceptions, the state still had to pay for their pensions.
The departure of County Natwest reduces the number of authorized primary dealers to 45, including fourteen foreign companies.
Their departure has reduced their proportion of the total population to 22 percent from 29 percent two decades ago, according to Mr. Davie.
Those departures will reduce Cendant's unwieldy 28-member board to 18.
However, his departure from the service sharply reduced his ability to influence military policy and public opinion.
Ms. Goldstein said that the departures would reduce the size of the board to 11.