Among the state department documents disclosed by WikiLeaks was one in Saudi Arabia called for action to chop what it called "the head of the snake".
But those department documents, they said, "had mentioned nothing about Atta, nor had anyone come forward between September 2001 and July 2004 with any similar information."
The new courthouse is expected to open in July 2002, according to judicial department documents.
According to participants and department documents, the proposal envisioned a "voluntary compact" that would be signed by companies and governments.
Among such extraordinary circumstances, laid out in internal department documents, would be a conclusion that "the result was simply unfair," according to Mr. Friedman.
And the agency has not yet put into effect recommendations that the 1986 audit report said were vitally needed if the program was continued, the department documents show.
But internal department documents indicate that the 25 percent figure was the department's goal for the 1994 fiscal year, not what it actually accomplished.
The article said that, according to internal department documents, the report mentioned a plan by American agents to assassinate Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega.
Lawyers representing central figures in the investigation say that they believe Mr. Adams's inquiry is moving slowly, and that his staff is spending much of its time trying to digest millions of internal department documents.
The Buildings Department later questioned the authenticity of the lease, according to a department document, and revoked Ebisu's permit halfway through the renovation.