So far, his department has contacted about 200 such companies and signed about 20 to contracts.
If you are unsure which department to contact after consulting the list below and would like to ask a question, send a suggestion or comment, please complete our feedback form.
Of those the department has contacted, many were previously infected with H.I.V., officials said.
Other departments should contact TRNG.
Eventually in 1907, the department contacted Selfe and asked him to collect his drawings, but refused to return the calculations.
His department contacted the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, and the two agencies held a conference call on Monday.
After the essay appeared, the department contacted The Times and said that it did not assign officers to work inside the Garden in 1981.
So the referees' department contacted supervisors on the grounds to search the 15 secondary courts at the tennis center.
But the department contacted only one of them, a New York judge.
Before an inspector is sent, the department will contact the tenant to determine whether service has been restored.