Moreover, business models may develop, or technology may be deployed in the network, that frustrates users and dramatically departs from the Internet's open-architecture roots.
The structure of County government under the charter does not depart dramatically from the structure of a County government outlined in the Florida Statutes.
'Comprehensive' Statement The speech did not depart dramatically from previous American positions.
One followed in the wake of Wittgenstein's later philosophy, which departed dramatically from his early work of the Tractatus.
"I strongly disagree with today's Supreme Court ruling, which dramatically departs from previous precedents safeguarding the health of pregnant women," Mr. Obama added.
The two-hull, two-nacelle alignment suggested a resemblance to other Starfleet vessels, but departed dramatically from those other designs in execution.
The scenery changes dramatically departing Denver as the train climbs the Rocky Mountains.
Smith's use of realism, whereby animals do not stand-in for humans, departed dramatically from Charlotte's Web.
More significant, it has done so by presenting a peace platform that dramatically departs from the militant language of extremism and unreality, in the view of many experts here.
The building is a common loft building in construction and plan, but its facade departs dramatically from others of its type.