United were denied victory by Bayern Munich twice, home and away.
He has continued to assert that his opponents used fraud to deny him victory.
After trailing to them by 18pts at half time, they produced a comeback to deny them victory.
That, he said, would deny victory to the attackers.
Both the army and the guerrillas still seem determined to display their ability to win or to deny victory to the other.
After a busy winter and growing expectations for the 2006 season, the band was denied victory at the opening championship in Dumbarton.
"I'll deny him victory," Rix grated, refusing to listen to me.
And to deny him victory at every possible point, at almost any cost, had become my dearest goal.
The month then finished with Colchester being denied victory by yet another last gasp leveller.
Seeing that no outside power means to deny it total military victory, Serbia now drops all pretense.