A place was available at the school in question, and the LEA had no ground under the 1980 Education Act for denying parental choice.
To deny choice to the poor, while the affluent have the ability to escape the public schools, is unjust and hypocritical.
Emigration outlets were closed, which created a frustrating sense of being shut in and of being denied opportunity and choice.
That is a patronising approach which would deny widening choice to many local authority tenants.
Like rape and forced abortion for women, spermination invades bodily privacy and denies reproductive choice.
He will not deny his heirs that choice.
Yet he would deny American women and families reproductive choice.
Fundamentally deprogramming denies choice and creates dependency.
It was the set of their minds: their self-appointed mission to deny choice to others, to neutralize all the useful things that were already in opera-tion.
More fundamentally, Microsoft and the tobacco companies deny customers choice.