After experiencing the anesthetic nitrous oxide during a dental operation, Blood concluded that the gas had opened his mind to new ideas and continued experimenting with it.
Although the procedure is relatively painless when done properly, the root canal remains a stereotypically fearsome dental operation.
The dental operation resulted in blood poisoning from which he died in London on 26 September 1923.
Upon one occasion I myself stood by a man who was to suffer a difficult dental operation, and with my own hands administered chloroform to him.
Dentists in countries like Australia sometimes use cocaine in dental operations, as an anaesthetic.
The lasers are also incapable of performing some routine dental operations.
Robson learns the truth about a dental operation that has him cast out of the Brotherhood.
A patient who consents, even in the widest terms, to a dental operation under anaesthetic does not give a true consent to the amputation of a leg.
Consists of aerospace medicine, dental, medical operations and medical support squadrons:
A few years later he had experienced it again, while breathing through the ether-sprinkled mask during a dental operation.