Neal replied that he just wanted to settle down with a wife, kids, maybe even some dental insurance.
Health, vision, and dental insurance are not provided, but may be purchased by employees.
It has also recently expanded into dental and travel insurance.
The new contract also requires teachers earning more than $30,000 to pay up to $250 a year for dental and health insurance.
In return, the union demanded 32 weeks of severance pay, along with medical and dental insurance for 12 months.
I had always taken my teeth - and my dental insurance - for granted.
Only about half of the country has any form of dental insurance, by some estimates.
Under the terms of the 1997 contract, the city paid half of the $1,550 that it cost to provide each worker with dental insurance.
Half of the Houston area residents do not have dental insurance.
Marie's health insurance is provided by the hospital, but it doesn't provide dental insurance.