As you know, major changes in dental education are under way throughout the country.
It also provides for dental post-college education and arranges conferences.
From its modest beginnings as a struggling private institution, the school has grown into the state's major resource for dental education and research.
Our main purpose is to foster an environment whereby students interested in enriching their dental education through research are encouraged to do so.
The structure of dental education also helps, administrators say.
Public health dentistry is an essential component of a well-rounded dental education.
As of 2010, there were a total of 291 colleges (39 run by the government and 252 in the private sector) offering dental education.
Once in the course, students will start their dental education in their second year of University study.
The 5-year dental education is offered at four universities:
Due to the hands-on training required, dental education is expensive and is not subsidized by the federal government.