Unavailable to 100 million Americans, water fluoridation can save nearly $38 in dental costs for every dollar spent.
These will probably include prescription drugs, dental costs, private hospital rooms, ambulance services and prescription glasses.
And good luck to it, particularly if it results in a shake-up of private dental costs.
Dental insurance, like medical insurance protects policyholders for dental costs.
For £21 a month subscribers can claim up to £150 in dental and optical costs a year, or £300 towards "complementary therapies".
Reimbursement for other serious disaster-related expenses may include medical, dental, funeral or burial costs.
The company reimburses 50 percent of all dental cost with no annual limit.
This covered most hospital and physician cost while the dental and pharmaceutical costs were primarily paid for by individuals.
Start claiming from day one for your dental and optical costs.
Association records show two players were given direct financial aid in 1992 - one had dental costs paid, and another had funeral expenses paid.