Jenny Gilbert of The Independent saw it as "a densely detailed portrait of a family's life together", seeing it as "a bid to fill an emotional void left by children grown and gone, a partner deceased."
They detail what the dealership calls common tricks of the trade, including the "Invisible Sales Manager," the "Guaranteed Trade-In Scam," and a densely detailed ad on what it calls "leasing scams."
Nothing can save a thriller once the villain loses mythic stature, but Rankin controls the damage by shifting style and writing to his strength, the densely detailed mechanics of the police procedural.
A generally excellent 70-minute documentary demonstrates the lengths the production went to approximate O'Brian's densely detailed world on the high seas.
And though it runs to more than 800 densely detailed pages, it lacks some of the vital context that the earlier volume provided.
Another problem with such a densely detailed approach is an inevitable top-heaviness (or is it bottom-heaviness?)
With a near miniaturist touch he makes densely detailed images of ruined buildings and rubble by drawing through carbon paper.
"Bugsy" would not have been the densely detailed and complexly imagined film that it is without the contribution of any one of these men.
The series was Moore's first use of the densely detailed narrative and multiple plot lines that would feature heavily in Watchmen.
The spare, disciplined quotes of the combatants in "Behind the Mask" have a dramatic intensity that the densely detailed linking material doesn't, and the pacing stutters.