He dodged through the increasingly dense maze, leaping over some ropy barriers, sliding under others, and twice doubling back with an oath when he reached impassable dead ends.
The panels are moveable and so it is possible to switch from a completely open space to a dense maze of panels.
Up the mountain above us rose a dense maze of brick-walled, metal-roofed houses: in Lagos or Manila this would have been middle-class housing.
Thorne saw a dense maze of pipes, a trickle of steam coming out of the floor.
The putrefaction of centuries clung to the stuccoed walls of its palazzi, perfumed the air, and within the dense, dank maze of the city one lost all sense of direction.
They operated off the Neretva Delta, a dense maze of reed beds, which provided ample shelter and cover for escape after pirate raids.
Twisting and turning through the dense maze of underbrush and close-growing, lofty trees the little party of eight plunged farther and farther into the bewildering labyrinth.
The clerics reiterated longstanding Christian calls for a special, "international" status for Jerusalem's ancient walled core, with its dense maze of mosques and churches and synagogues.
Though harmonic signposts remained, the flexibility of Wagner and Debussy had now become a dense maze, difficult to chart.
But one day, Kulonga, a son of the old king, Mbonga, wandered far into the dense mazes to the west.