The field was obscured by a dense curtain of drifting blue smoke and red-brown dust.
The black water was like a dense curtain.
A dense curtain of drops speckled the air in front of them.
The window remained closed and still aglow, from the candlelight that filtered through a dense white curtain, probably a piece of sheeting.
A dense curtain fell instantly, cutting off all but formal communication between them.
She lay in blackness so thick that it was almost a weight on her chest, a dense curtain descending to stifle breath.
The pavilion was divided within by a dense but faintly translucent curtain of royal blue.
I'd whistle, too,' said Stevens, standing in front of the dense curtain.
Blade got unsteadily to his feet and peered around through the dense curtain of smoke.
Light and heat reached through the dense curtain of ash that hung over everything.