Young women tend to have dense breasts, which appear white on mammography, making it harder to differentiate small tumors.
An unsettled question is how women with dense breasts should be screened.
Roughly half the women were assessed to have dense breasts and received an ultrasound examination.
Rather, the small, dense breasts of young women who have not borne children are the hardest to evaluate by X-ray.
Mammography today is much better able to find tiny cancers in the dense breasts of younger women.
They are particularly difficult to read in women with dense breasts.
For women with dense breasts, the best thing we can say there really needs be improved detection methods.
This was true among older and younger women with dense breasts.
Other risk factors include heavy alcohol use, high intake of red meat, dense breasts, obesity, and race.
Young women with dense breasts may have trouble checking their own.