The meal is complete with some good, dense bread with a substantial crust.
I wanted a dense, crusty bread to go with the country cheese I was importing for the store.
Rye bread is one of the few dense breads of the Netherlands.
For them, a slice of crusty, dense bread fills the bill.
Any bread can be used, but for the most interesting result use a dense, coarse bread with a serious crust.
Desserts, like the dense brown bread served at the start of the meal, are made on the premises.
Add a salad, some nice dense, crusty bread, and dinner is done.
Note: Tuscan bread is available in many cities, but if you cannot find it, substitute any dense, crusty bread.
The dark, dense German bread is fine, but an individual loaf on a board is the usual cottony cliche.
The bread, chewy and dense, tasted better than it looked.