Their trajectory held them within the densest region of turbulence for exactly the reason he had been unable to detect their presence on his tactical sensors.
Angry green luminescence that had once been called nebulium edged these stormy, denser regions.
A value below indicates a denser region (which would be an inlier), while values significantly larger than indicate outliers.
Yet even now, though they were approaching the densest regions of the nucleus, they were for all practical purposes in a perfect vacuum.
Increase standing room on the often restricted sidewalks at stop locations in some of the densest regions of the city.
They also appeared to have dropped out of warp only a few hundred kilometers from the densest region of the debris field.
Today's 41 routes serve a denser, more urban region.
Matter accumulated in the densest regions, forming clouds of gas and the earliest stars.
In denser regions such as the core of globular clusters or the galactic center, collisions can be more common.
Sometimes an adaptive mesh is used, in which the mesh cells are much smaller in the denser regions of the simulation.