People who are physically active, even into old age, tend to have denser bones than sedentary people of the same age.
In turn, all those groups had denser bones than a comparable group of sedentary men.
Women who took hormones had better cholesterol levels and denser bones than those taking a placebo.
The inner ear is hollow, embedded in the temporal bone, the densest bone of the body.
These species are almost all flightless, which allows for these particular birds to have denser bones and heavier bodies.
Khund bodies have much denser bone and muscle tissue than humans.
Before menopause, the British women do indeed have denser bones than the Japanese.
Some grew denser bones after treatment.
Tennis players have denser bones in their playing arm than in the arm that merely tosses serves.
Black women may have denser bones than white women, but they're still at risk for osteoporosis.