He has also said that while this work is not intended to denounce religion, it alludes to a perceived commercializing or cheapening of Christian icons in contemporary culture.
From early 2007, he began posting short monologues denouncing religion to a number of video sharing websites, consequently receiving numerous death threats.
In March 2010, Nergal was held on trial in Poland for publicly denouncing religion by ripping up a Bible on stage in 2007.
Would you join the church to denounce religion or the Conservative party and campaign against corporate donations?
He promoted Newtonian ism and denounced organized religion as pernicious.
He wrote pamphlets denouncing religion of all kinds and published them at his own expense.
Sidney Webb prophesied that Annie Besant would end her days in a convent, having once fiercely denounced religion.
However, atheism in this regard is used more as an example of harmony between various religions and is not used as a ground to denounce popular religion.
Eminently adaptable, he learns to denounce religion as the opiate of the masses and to co-exist with Christian classmates, despite the obvious tensions in the air.
In an earlier interview with CNN in October 2010, Ventura denounced religion as the "root of all evil.