Nast had also been violent in denouncing Southerners during the war.
On Monday, about 150 outraged citizens, joined by 17 elected officials, denounced the plan during an 11-hour public hearing in Manhattan.
Both candidates denounced President Truman during the campaign.
Envious colleagues denounced him to the emperor during the Diocletian persecution.
Governor Pataki, who denounced the old commuter tax during his latest re-election campaign, has been noncommittal.
She added that she was "launching an appeal beyond the left to all" who denounced the system during the campaign.
This led Bill Clinton to denounce Bush's China policy during the 1992 campaign.
Several teachers denounced the board during the questioning.
Buckner joined many of his fellow generals in publicly denouncing Bragg's performance during the campaign.
In November 2012, Afiuni denounced an alleged physical abuse during her detention.