He made a secret speech, in which he denounced Stalin as a man who committed many murders of innocent people.
The refusal to denounce Stalin underscores that intention.
When Lenin denounced Stalin in his final testament, it was because of Stalin's rudeness to Lenin's wife.
This supposed killing is used to explain why Khrushchev later denounced Stalin in the Secret Speech.
Those paintings came from the basements of Russian museums to which they had been exiled when Khrushchev denounced Stalin in 1956.
In 1956, Khrushchev denounced Stalin and his policies and subsequently set about implementing post-Stalinist economic reforms.
He left in 1956 after Khrushchev's Secret Speech, which denounced Stalin.
He resigned from that post, and from the party, in 1957 after Nikita S. Khrushchev denounced Stalin.
On Khrushchev: I was at the congress at which he denounced Stalin.
"The Toady" could have been choreographed only after Krushchev denounced Stalin in 1956.