The possibility that Louisiana may elect as governor this weekend a man who has spent most of his adult life denouncing Jews and blacks says enough about where we are.
The film virulently denounces Freemasonry, parliamentarianism and Jews as part of Vichy's drive against them and seeks to prove a Jewish-Masonic plot.
Just down the street from my hotel, the Movement Against Illegal Immigration held a march denouncing Jews and immigrants.
Someone hoisted a sheet with a swastika up the flagpole one night and covered the brick walls and windows at the rear of the school with slogans denouncing Jews.
Marek Jan Chodakiewicz writes that a number of Polish Jews were executed for denouncing other Jews.
Originally a maskil-a propagator of the Haskala, or "Jewish Enlightenment"-he later converted to Christianity and wrote a book denouncing Jews.
He idolized Frederick the Great, and denounced Jews, Greeks, and the cosmopolitan Goethe.
They heard speakers denounce Jews as international bankers, war mongers, and communists, mock President Roosevelt as Rosenvelt, and praise Franco and Hitler.
Barth denounced Jews in a 1933 sermon as "an obstinate and evil people," Mr. Goldhagen adds.
Some prayer leaders began denouncing Jews and Christians as the enemy during weekly Friday sermons.