It also denotes the repeat usage of individual structural elements such as text, images or graphics within different media.
Newton's ownership of these materials by no means denotes membership within any early Rosicrucian order.
When applicable, members of the club wear a patch denoting their position or rank within the organization.
Such an unusual occurrence denoted the exceptional strain within their house and clan.
Use of the term denotes a pattern at a site or within an archaeological culture.
The final numeral denoted the series of the vehicle within the type/model.
Each color stripe denoted a different location within the hospital, such as X-ray, the lab, and the cafeteria.
The idea that symbol denotes presence within the means appropriate for time and space is hardly anywhere mentioned.
I use this term to denote the area within which party, lists are drawn up and candidates elected from them.
"Once in a blue moon" means "rarely," and has come to denote the second full moon within a month.