These two, both denominated in dollars, will have no interest payments for five years.
Prices are now high enough that many specialists have become cautious, particularly about debt denominated in dollars.
A lower dollar would tend to diminish demand for securities denominated in dollars.
Having such a large part of its portfolio denominated in dollars means that some currency risk is eliminated, but it could also cut the return.
Sometime after 1882, private banknotes, denominated in dollars, began to be issued on the island.
The remainder of the issue was to be denominated in dollars.
The debt may even be denominated in dollars or euros.
That may have prevented Japanese institutions from selling assets denominated in dollars.
Between 1938 and 1949, the Barbados government issued paper money denominated in dollars.
Lower interest rates are bad news for the dollar because they reduce the yield on investments denominated in dollars.