Saturday's demonstration features a batizado, or baptism, of 25 new dancers performing for the first time in public.
The demonstrations, lasting until 4:30 P.M., will feature the sleek Lotus canoes designed by Mr. Galt.
The demonstration featured as the premise for the film involves several large practical effects robots called T-70s, designed as mechanical soldiers, with large miniguns on their arms.
Other demonstrations feature wood carving, handbuilding of pottery, and fire building.
Other demonstrations put on that summer featured singing, dancing, masks, costumes, makeup, and signs.
The commemorative demonstration featured calls for the dozens of Georgian nationalist groups to unite in a struggle to achieve Georgia's independence, and for Georgians to boycott compulsory military service.
The biggest demonstrations since the revolution featured a confrontation on Jan. 28 between pro- and anti-NSF supporters in Victory Square.
The demonstration included signs that read "Islam will Dominate" and featured a picture with an Islamic flag flying over the White House.
This self-contained demonstration featured an alternate story not related to the main game and is fully voiced by the Space Quest 6 voice actors.
Entitled Half-Life: Uplink, the demonstration featured many of the weapons and non-player characters in Half-Life.