The relationship has been strained by widespread demonstrations calling for a more equal relationship with the United States.
Legislators, human rights and youth groups and relatives of recruits have held demonstrations calling for an end to mandatory military service.
They planned to join the ongoing demonstrations calling for democracy in China.
The Peace People organised large demonstrations calling for an end to paramilitary violence.
He continues to make frequent public appearances to speak to student groups and participate in demonstrations calling for nuclear disarmament.
In 2007 southern army officers and security officials who had been forced into retirement after the 1994 war started demonstrations calling for their reinstatement or compensation.
Human rights activists held many demonstrations calling for her release.
In the evening, a demonstration calling for al-Shakhouri to be released took place.
So these were peaceful demonstrations calling for more social progress and greater freedom and democracy.
The large and peaceful demonstrations calling for a more social Europe are abundant proof of that.