The role of the industry leader is to demonstrate discipline and restraint in the marketplace.
Within that context the Bay demonstrated remarkable restraint, and many of its local managers earned their reputations for fair treatment of their customers.
Mr. Bush and the American military command may understand clearly how crucial it is to demonstrate restraint, especially as war begins to shade into postwar reconstruction.
"We are observing a moratorium on nuclear testing and we have called upon all nations to demonstrate similar restraint."
"This is a police department that has an excellent record demonstrating restraint, dealing with every group on a fair and equal basis," he said.
He gave the Soviets ample opportunity to demonstrate restraint in the development of their forces within the provisions of the treaty.
Perhaps this time he had the strength to demonstrate restraint.
The increases have come as statistics show that New York City officers have demonstrated more restraint in firing their weapons.
Demonstrating better judgment and greater restraint than some professionals, Kearney worked delicately to produce, for her paper, a letter from Parker to the student body.
Ted discourages this, as priests are expected to demonstrate restraint, ironic given his fixation on his upcoming television appearance.