There was a burst of demonic laughter.
Murdo looked around him and saw the same grisly destruction, and heard the same demonic laughter streaking through the empty heights.
The commercial features an inane rhyming jingle and Crazy Eddie's demonic laughter.
"Small creature - " again it shook with that unvoiced demonic laughter.
The song has a humorous aspect including a demonic laughter.
Padrik cried again, his voice rising over the demonic laughter.
At Coorain, the most distinctive bird was the kookaburra, "whose call resembles demonic laughter.
There was no demonic laughter, no one was chasing him.
Little shrill screams and demonic laughter sounded thinly when he turned the page.
All the while he heard the demonic laughter of Errtu the conqueror.