(These would exhibit terrifying and demonic characters.)
Er Kishi becomes a demonic character and strives to mislead people and draw them into its darkness.
And the demonic character of the second movement was curiously underplayed.
The effect is to energize the music indeed, without trivializing its essential demonic character.
Shiban explained "we decided late in the process to turn him into this totally demonic character, essentially evil as an entity."
They are opposed by Neron, and other demonic characters from the DCU.
The demonic character of time, in which both life and death, creation and destruction, evolve without convergence toward a transcendental plane, is thus made manifest.
The demonic character of this world is concentrated in my anxiety - a mingling of regrets, twilight dreams, sadness, and unreality.
"It has more to do with people feeling that I could go either way," the thought that in real life he could become like his demonic characters.
Jammed with variously alluring and demonic male and female characters, the paintings are punchy.