She made it about halfway across the clearing when the second demon drew close to where Walker struggled with the first.
The "demon" eyes drew protest from the Detroit religious community, which in turn attracted media attention.
For the demon of speculation drew a line, or in other words projected a street, at the farther side of the kitchen-garden.
"Learn to enjoy it, dear Lester," he chuckled, as the demons drew the false prophet down among them.
The demon drew a ragged breath, and fell to his knees.
Then the demon draws in the human essence, breathes his own into his prey.
To my astonishment, the demon drew back as if con- fronted by a giant.
Behind them, the hunters began to gather, the demons come down from the heights, the black things either tracking them or drawn by the magic.
The demon probed his thoughts, drew his attention, and then whispered the words that were needed to manipulate him.
The demon drew not only its magic from the bottle, but its life as well.