One artist, Case 2, is described as " a demon god of the oldest of the old school piecers."
"The demon god has been let loose."
In the final part of the game, with their allies, the three heroes have to stop the demon god's resurrection.
That had ended when the demon god died and the vampires were forcibly scattered by Geirolf's lieutenant.
Nebiros is a ten thousand-year old demon god who escaped from Hell through sacrificial offerings.
He looked at her, stretched out on the chaise like an offering to a demon god.
However, Jinnai tricks the priestesses into leading him to the island so that he can awaken the legendary demon god.
But it was the Mother he prayed to now, to keep his sweet son Devan safe from the red woman's demon god.
Deranged, he became a minion of Cthulhu and set out to perform certain tasks for that great demon god.
Everybody stared at him like he was some demon god.