To sign up, participants must answer nine demographic questions about things like their interests and hobbies, pet ownership and whether they wear glasses or contacts.
A would-be user calls, answers about 20 demographic questions and then receives a code to use for calls to any of the other four cities.
After asking for my name, Gallup posed optional demographic questions that, it said, it might use in test research.
Start the survey with straight, demographic questions.
In the last stage you ask demographic questions.
"We've looked at demographic questions, but we frankly haven't looked at this particular one," said Edward F. McKelvey, a senior economist at Goldman, Sachs.
Classification, or demographic, question should be at the end because typically they can feel like personal questions which will make respondents uncomfortable and not willing to finish survey.
Rather than present family planning as an all-embracing solution to the country's problems, however, President Garcia has placed it in the context of broader demographic questions.
About one third of the sample was asked more detailed demographic questions.
The homeless will be asked "basic demographic questions," according to the bureau, and a sampling of those in shelters will also be asked about their social and economic backgrounds.