A 2006 demographic projection stated that 4,324 people lived within the district.
Thirty years is also an unusually long period for a demographic projection, some economists said.
The government has identified gaps between the demographic projections and the aspirations of its citizens.
Texaco officials insist that these are goals, not quotas, based on realistic business and demographic projections.
As construction continued in the 70's, trustees accepted demographic projections that showed enrollment inevitably shrinking.
According to one demographic projection, the average man aged 20 in 1990 can expect to spend a third of his life in retirement.
As for Central Asia, given the demographic projections, it is difficult to envision a viable solution in the long run.
This demographic projection is based on the mushrooming growth rates of what are called megacities.
Current demographic projections suggest that 35% of all people in the US will be at least 65 years of age by the year 2050.
The numbers proposed by the commission are actually quite modest, given the dire demographic projections posed by the country's aging population and declining birth rate.