His role as a leader in the East German democratization movement is indisputable.
There have been many popular protests in Egypt against peace with Israel (from all levels of society, including amongst intellectuals, students and democratization movements such as Kifaya).
International Solidarity Committee works on human rights and democratization movements in Asia and monitors the ODA (Official Development Assistance) policies.
Presbyterianism has played an important role in Taiwan's politics, with the Presbyterian Church supporting Taiwan's democratization movement.
While attending the University of Chicago, Chiou was an influential member of the Taiwanese democratization movement, earning himself the nickname "Loudspeaker."
During the 1980s, it focused its advocacy in solidarity work with the democratization movement of South Korea, exposing grave human rights violations committed by the Chun regime.
He was a major leader of the democratization movement in Taiwan.
He said that Russia's belief that it must resurrect its presence in the near abroad is 'the opiate of the political classes' and does not serve the Russian democratization movement.'
The nation's democratization movements, which had been suppressed during Park's tenure, were again awakening.
He was a spiritual supporter of poet Kim Chi-Ha, who represented the democratization movement in the 1970s and developed a campaign for life through Hansallim.