In Haiti, where government has meant despotism, a few months may seem a short time to establish a democratic trend.
However, they are no match for the overwhelming Democratic trend in most of Nashville.
Kerry won this state with a larger margin, indicating Oregon's Democratic trend.
Each strategy seeks to counter or undermine regional democratic trends both at home and throughout the former Soviet Union.
We hope that Cuba will take steps to join the democratic trend in the rest of Latin America.
He also asked allies to halt the spread of illicit weapons and promote democratic trends in the Middle East.
The northern suburbs had a generally moderate voting populace, which trends Democratic but makes up the swing vote, especially in races for national office.
First, the democratic trend that seemed inevitable after Communism's fall has slowed, and in several regions has been reversed.
Debt pressures, restless army officers and leftist terror imperil the democratic trend.
Moreover, the broader context - the overall democratic trend in Latin America and the fading of the cold war - receives little attention.