It is also an important ingredient in democratic citizenship, influencing public attitudes and opinions and, thus political behaviour.
First, a 'new' theory should start with the ideal of democratic citizenship.
A competing vision is that democratic citizenship may be founded on a "culture of participation".
It is only through the mundane acts of democratic citizenship that Iraqis will be able to build a civil society.
We don't know whether Iraqis have any notion of what democratic citizenship really means.
Women were, nonetheless, "denied political rights of 'active citizenship' (1791) and democratic citizenship (1793)."
The role of family and community in incubating democratic citizenship has a new resonance.
For Aristotle, democratic citizenship was possible only where there was reciprocity of "ruling and being ruled by turn."
Without it, democracy loses any tie─argumentative or practical─to a coherent design of public policy endeavoring to provide the resources for the realization of democratic citizenship.
He offers 'democratic citizenship' as 'a key idea.