Moreover, it ignored the historical reality that democracy can flourish only in an atmosphere of political dignity.
The Administration has made a good start at building security and economic institutions designed to create the conditions in which democracy can flourish.
For a hundred and fifty years or so democracy, or something like it, could flourish safely.
There are flashes of horror - but also hope, for democracy still flourishes in Israel.
Once a prosperous middle class has emerged, he suggests, democracy can flourish.
Athens was a tyranny when it had a flat tax, she wrote, but democracy flourished once taxes were based on one's ability to pay.
Now people want it out, and it has promised to withdraw from politics so democracy really can flourish.
Zakaria initially supported the war and still believes that democracy can flourish in the Arab world.
We call for confidence-building measures and greater democracy: democracy cannot flourish in such circumstances.
This has become a vital instrument for strengthening grass-roots organisations throughout the world, without which human rights and democracy could not flourish.