Yet these demented creatures were also brave, generous men and women.
Lawrence had to pump half a dozen shots into the demented creature before it finally lay motionless on the tigergrass.
The knife fell into the sea, and the demented creature collapsed and followed it, knocked unconscious.
Why the demented creature never bit Skarsnik was a matter of some mystery.
He wondered if this were some demented creature who imagined that it was Tarzan of the Apes.
Her tongue touched it slowly, wrapping around the point as he arched, groaning like a demented creature.
That demented creature up there was pointing down at me.
One way, then another, trapped in a prison whose walls were solid mud with a demented creature that had risen from its watery grave.
She still looked worried, not so much for Old One's sake as for her own safety in the presence of a demented creature.
"High Lord, these are impertinent, possibly demented creatures, and offering them some time in the dungeons might be worth your consideration."