M. Collot advised Murat to lose no time, but to go to the First Consul and formally demand the hand of his sister.
If the plate breaks she will demand the hand of her for Lord Suryanarayan.
Indra uses his magical powers to complete the challenge, finally reaching Brahma and demanding the hand of Ahalya.
After a final confrontation between Hsin and Kenny, Hsin demands the hand over of Yu Jian.
"That sick-minded old fool demanded the hand of our beloved daughter, then only fourteen years old," she spat out, struggling to regain some semblance of her normal icy control.
She made Ben Saada sick with the torture of her indifference, until, finally, goaded to desperation, he went to her father, demanding the hand of Nakhla in marriage.
In return Zarono demands the hand of Valenso's neice, Belesa.
However, as a millionaire now, Larfaillou can again demand the hand of Aubépine.
As for the Japanese still stationed in Indonesia, the nationalists, called pemuda, demanded the Japanese hand over all arms and ammunition.
At that time Gonda was ruled by a Dom Rajah called Ugrasen, who demanded the hand of Sahaj Sah's daughter.