It's not that rents have plummeted or demand has slackened, as they did during the real estate recession of the early 90's.
But when the bottom fell out of the world economy in the early 80's, demand slackened and a soaring dollar made exports even less attractive.
That would happen because companies do not shed workers quickly as demand for products slackens.
Another report from the Commerce Department suggested that demand was slackening faster than production.
As demand for the funds slackened before the weekend they traded down to 5 1/2 percent at the close.
Similarly, when demand slackens, costs can be cut readily.
If businesses no longer overproduce during booms, they won't be forced to cut production and lay off workers when demand slackens.
"There don't seem to be any signs that demand will slacken."
Although the pace of growth has slowed in these days of recession, the demand for services has not slackened.
But by the time the product was ready, the demand had slackened, leading to "a weaker quarter than Wall Street was looking for."