The riots were triggered by Greece's appeal in 1954 to the United Nations to demand self-determination for Cyprus.
Portugal has demanded self-determination for the East Timorese.
The Palestinians are demanding national self-determination, not necessarily democracy.
Mr. Tanjung said a vote might incite other provinces to demand self-determination.
CUT gradually became more radical, and from 1947 onwards it demanded self-determination.
Native groups are demanding self-determination and achieving it.
In the inter-war years, these nationalist movements grew and often clashed with the colonial authorities when they demanded self-determination.
And they have settled on the same strategy: they are demanding ethnic self-determination and regional autonomy, with a great degree of independence from central authority.
Yes, still more aggression and provocations following on from military occupation, and still more demonstrations by a people demanding self-determination.
And along with Taiwan (which now accepts the idea of one China), they could all demand self-determination.