A7 In Baghdad, angry Iraqis demanded revenge for the attack.
"But nobody had the courage to say so to electorates that had put up with four years of war and were demanding revenge."
The voice in her head, the one demanding revenge for Jimmy, has fallen silent, and she isn't sure which way to go.
If the Germans killed you, my honor as well as my heart would demand revenge.
His hunter-self demanded revenge on the brain mass that had enslaved him.
I cannot call off the old ones who demand revenge and sacrifice in mortal blood!
Predictably, the vote fueled the anger of right-wing Tories, who demanded revenge.
Mothers with children in the service organized into militant groups and demanded revenge.
And they demanded further revenge, in an eruption of anger that frightened the Government and the army.
When we cancel a debt, we are letting go of the right to demand revenge.