During the Great Depression in Canada the demand for radical action peaked around 1934, after the worst period was over and the economy was recovering.
The situation went from fiasco to crisis in late January, when the first semester ended and demands on the flawed system peaked.
Also, famous local markets witnessed exceptional growth in sales and business, as demand peaked during the Games.
She said demand peaked between 3 and 4 P.M., when customers used 9,770 megawatts.
The demand for the products manufactured in the Jewellery Quarter peaked in 1920 and a steady decline started.
British industrialists, unlike many others, were found to think that the demand for environment-friendly goods has peaked and are anticipating a drop in the near future.
In April, the demands on farm labour peaked with lambing often coinciding with other spring work.
She said demand usually peaks around 9 P.M.
Last summer, the demand for electricity on Long Island peaked on Aug. 8, at 4,906 megawatts.
For Vogue, the demands of advertisers, readers and some key designers had peaked in March.