It was not his role in the courtroom to demand order, but it was something he did well and the Brethren let it slide.
Nelson sought to suggest the parties engage in arbitration while demanding law and order from the strikers.
I walked the line and I demanded order.
General Dhanaraj pounded the table with the flat of his hand, demanding order, and the noise subsided.
In his home, he demanded tidiness, order and discipline, and expected to be obeyed.
Freedom has permitted lawlessness, newly empowered citizens have demanded order - and governments have delivered.
Tombel shouted again, demanding order across the high plateau.
Several times he stopped to demand order.
Police heli-copters swung in faulty circles, bullhorns demanded order.
The last comment provoked a wave of whispering, stopped only when the meeting leader demanded order by rapping a scepter against the podium.