Economists regard a declining workweek as a sign of diminished demand for labor and, therefore, a sign of a slackening economy.
He foresaw the demands of a fast-moving global economy which his nation is incapable to meet even to this day.
Nurturing continued growth will mean responding to the demands of a metropolitan economy that has developed into an integrated whole linked together by its regional transportation network.
The system comprises twenty-five agencies that focus on innovative, proactive solutions to meet the demands of a rapidly changing economy.
In our terms, this book is an account of migrants' moral careers, albeit careers constrained by the demands of a thriving capitalist economy.
Delhi should instead focus on modernising the national security management and bring it in line with the demands of a globalising economy.
This model, while still enjoying wide support, has proved generally ill-adapted to the speed and competitive demands of a global economy driven by information technology.
Still, not every meeting has to be face to face, even though the demands of a global economy require more meetings, the experts say.
The nation's employers stepped up their hiring in June, the government reported yesterday, adding 146,000 jobs to meet the gradually rising demands of a sturdy economy.
The legacy of that is too many young people unequipped to deal with the demands of a modern economy.