White-glove building superintendents have been demanding notice: they want to - how to put this diplomatically?
But before he could speak, another messenger from Warmark Quaan arrived in the Close, demanded notice.
The image of this young woman, faceless and inanimate yet continuing to speak, nags at the reader long after the book is finished, demanding notice.
She was bouncing up and down, rattling her chains, rolling her eyes, and in general demanding notice.
Of his remaining orations some are public and some private; but few of them demand special notice as connected with the events of his life.
Mrs. Sayther had no eyes for the woman till the canoe drove in closer and her bizarre beauty peremptorily demanded notice.
Voices were raised, at first not very loudly but still with an extraordinary tension in them that demanded notice.
All around them, the noises of the court were rising again, demanding notice for the things of everyday life.
However, this year's team demanded notice with an unexpected victory over mighty Michigan State, 4-2.
Her square chin and her hard, clean line of jaw were too outstanding; demanded too much notice.