"Let's continue to let our players know that we demand hard work, loyalty and dedication," DeBow wrote on the Web site.
Take Dr. Summers's argument that the primary barrier to women in science, as in other high-powered jobs, is that employers demand single-minded dedication to work.
Her intensity to "make it" demanded relentless dedication and work ethic; enough to cause her a heart attack while still in her twenties.
Many of these individuals now excel in demanding fields, including architecture, finance, law, medicine and psychotherapy - each one a new application of the discipline and dedication they learned as dancers.
Richthofen demanded total loyalty and total dedication from his pilots, cashiering immediately anyone who did not give it.
"For myself, as manager - and unrelated to what the owner said -I'm going to demand total dedication to winning the pennant in the second half," he said.
But running, while demanding total dedication, has opened up boundaries that would have remained closed without it.
Pearson was a strict disciplinarian who improved the quality of education at Hillside by demanding dedication and excellence from teachers and students.
The chef's life, he once advised aspiring cooks, demanded total dedication and much sacrifice.
The Engineering News-Record reported "He demands total dedication, saying, 'Your wife had a baby; so what?'"