Compare her delivery techniques with those Zarv used.
In the short term, some analysts say's most promising innovation may be more low-technology delivery techniques, particularly its same-day delivery program.
You can add other delivery techniques like embedded commands (sec Appendix II) to your questions to reinforce their power.
To improve the way in which the central government delivers business change by introducing agile project management and delivery techniques.
The second group, TDS.2, was involved with the development of parachute equipment and delivery techniques.
As the delivery territories have grown, so to has the need for more efficient delivery techniques.
The company then tried a new delivery technique, with the virus injected in and around the rim of the tumor as well as inside.
A midwifery program helped train over 60 Mayan women from villages throughout the region in prenatal care and safe delivery techniques.
In recent years the ILC has evolved its service offering to include the latest software and internet-based delivery techniques.
Electronic Stonemasonry training resources enhance traditional delivery techniques.