"It was delivered orally; there was no piece of paper," the official said.
These structures are stable of a period of years and can be delivered orally, intravenously, and topically.
Due to Bothe's illness, this lecture was not delivered orally.
The vaccine is stable under relatively high temperatures and can be delivered orally, making mass vaccination of wildlife possible by putting it in baits.
Traditionally, üligers are delivered orally in alliterative verses, often taking the form of couplets or quatrains.
Most of Rabbi Auerbach's halachic rulings were delivered orally and not published formally.
Now comes another antsy President Bush who reads sporadically and prefers reports to be delivered orally.
His existing works number over 700, including transcriptions of orally delivered lectures, letters of remonstration and illustrations.
In the original trial both the charge and sentence were delivered orally.
SNRIs are delivered orally, usually in the form of gel capsules.